
Showing posts from May, 2022
  Affirmation  We inhabit this truth: That God in love  created all that is, fashioned our first ancestors from earth and from each other; walked with them, brokenhearted, from the garden; befriended Abraham and Sarah,  Hagar and Ishmael, Isaac and Rebekah, Esau and Jacob and Rachel and Leah,   and in this moment seeks us as friends. We hold dear this truth: That God's child enters our midst - by the trust of Mary and the constancy of Joseph; by birth at the edge of empire, sung by the angels to shepherds; by witness of John, by baptism and desert; by healing and teaching, by a table hosting all. We trust in this truth: That the rabbi's cross is victory, and empties every grave; that the risen One speaks Mary's name, heals Peter's shame, and bears the wounds of love; that lifted beyond us yet present among us,  and promising Breath from heaven,  Jesus lives. We wait eagerly with all creation to catch a glimpse of the truth to come. Into this mystery we follow our hearts